Over the shoulder with a large screen with code taking centre stage

Pre Check Form Before Submit

Below is a script to allows you to run a precheck function in Javascript, preventing the form from being submitted if you detect a problem. First, in a separate, external Javascript file, copy the below script: The above code is checking a checkbox...View Article

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Old mac laptop with some code on it

Select a Range in MS SQL

Selecting a range from a table is easy in MYSQL. Say you want to bring back results that you are paginating. Bringing back thousands of results is inefficient and needless. MS SQL there isn’t a simple way of doing this. The best way I have found, or...View Article

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Old mac laptop with some code on it

Quick SQL Copy Table

Just a quick SQL tip that I have been using recently, and is aimed mainly at MS SQL, but I cant see any reason why this wouldn’t work on MY SQL, except for the fact the MY SQL has easier Backup facilities. The background for this is that I was makin...View Article

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Black Samsung Laptop sat on a window sill overlooking a street

SQL Custom Order

I recently had a problem while creating a list of players for a project. I needed to list them in a certain order based on their position. I knew there were only 4 possible positions, but wanted them returned in the order of GK, DEF, MID and STK. I...View Article

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Close up shot of some Svelte code

Adding Camera Raw to Photoshop

I recently reloaded my computer and had to figure out how to add Camera Raw to Photoshop CS3. This should help you with whatever version you are using. Firstly, you will need to download the Camera Raw, and a list of versions can be found on the Ado...View Article

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