Old mac laptop with some code on it

Notepad++ CRLF instead of LF

Recently had a problem with uploading a new php file to a server, and it turned out that Notepad++ was only adding LF to the end of each line, and not CRLF. Malay Ko Ba has a quick and easy way of fixing all your problems....View Article

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Online Testing With jsfiddle.net

A website that I recently found very useful was the JS Fiddle website. It basically sets up a test area for you to try out simple bits of code, saving you the time or creating a test area. It also has the nice feature of being able to set up as dif...View Article

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Old mac laptop with some code on it

Linux Crash Course

This is a quick and very basic crash course for someone new to Linux administration. The following commands should get you through navigating files and simply finding your way around the operating system. Help! One option that might be useful if yo...View Article

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Black Samsung Laptop sat on a window sill overlooking a street

Windows 7 Keep On Top

thought that it would be useful to inform my visitors of a neat little program that you might find useful. I like working on my computer with a movie or video in the background, but flicking between screens means that it’s a hassle to keep the movie...View Article

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Close up shot of some Svelte code

Toggle Jquery UI Checkbox Array

Ok, so the title may not explain what this post is about, but hopefully it covers the basics. Recently I have been rewriting a website, adding smarted code and classes. One of the new features I have added is Jquery UI. While this in itself is not n...View Article

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Over the shoulder image of computer code on a laptop

Calculations To Scale An Image

A couple of times I have had to deal with images in my code. Recently I had a project that needed the user to upload an image, which then needed to be scaled down to fit an area. Below I detail the calculations that I used. For this demonstration, w...View Article

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